The senior Citizens’ Retreat focuses on helping the senior citizens to face their challenges with the right attitude and also tries to deal with their physical and psychological problems.

Report on Senior Citizens Retreat from 28-30 June, 2013

This three days programme was conducted by Swami Sri Krishnanada ji. The Retreat was attended by 22 devotees from HP, Delhi, Chandigarh, Haryana, Bihar, Punjab and USA (SRF).

On the first day, the programme started with orientation of the programme schedule and satsanga by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji on “Spiritual Progress”. He emphasized that we can measure our progress by self introspection as Guru ji says, “The secret of success is self analysis.” We should count our blessings and we will attract more blessings. He also said that devotees should practice the presence of God throughout the day through Jap Yoga i.e. mental chanting and it will help us in our meditation.

After the lunch, Ms. Marie from USA, a Gerontologist delivered a talk on “How to maintain a Healthy Life”. She specifically focused on various precautions that elderly people should take to avoid injuries or any untoward incident. A good support system is essential to sustain a healthy life. This was followed by a session on “Thermotherapy and Cosmic Chants” By Mr.Anirudh Trehan and Mr.Paramjyoti Arora. After brief introduction on thermotherapy, they gave practical demonstration as to how the system works. While devotees got the treatment, cosmic chants were also played which made the session very soothing and enjoyable. Mr.Trehan told about various precautions to be taken before and after the therapy.

Following evening tea, devotees did energization exercises, group and individual meditation.
After the dinner, devotees had a video show on “Experiencing the soul before birth, during life, and after death”.
On the second day, the programme started with energization exercises, Gita Chanting on 12th Chapter and group meditation. Swami Sri Krishnananda ji delivered a spiritual discourse on “God’s Grace”. He said that everything in our life happens with His Love and blessings. Kriya alone will not help us; it can take you to the door but door may not open provided there is no God’s Grace.
After the lunch, one of the devotees, Pt. Ashwani Sharma oriented the devotees on the effects of stars on our body followed by question answers session. Subsequently, there was a Thermotherapy session along with cosmic chants. From 5.30 to 7.00Pm, it was a session on Energization Exercises and Group meditation. After dinner, devotees enjoyed Bhajans from 8-9PM.
On the third day, after the energization exercises and group meditation, Swami ji, gave spiritual discourse on “Surrendering to God”. He emphasized on the importance of surrendering and various ways how we can do so.
At 12.00 Noon, it was Sadhu Bhandara. Seven Sadhus, who attended the programme, were given the traditional welcome by feet washing, garlanding and tilak ceremony followed by a Bhajan Session. After the lunch, while departing, Sadhus were offered dakshina and YSS books.
From 2.00-4.00PM, there were sessions on medical counseling and Thermotherapy.
The last session on “Closing Satsanga” was conducted by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji, at 4.00PM. Satsanga focused on how to lead a happy and successful life. He stressed on maintaining daily routine of Sadhna, using time more constructively, and having a right attitude towards life.

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

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Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

Senior Citizen Retreat 2013

A feedback received is as follows:

Swami Sri Krishnananda ji was the key star of the whole programme. His sessions on Spiritual Progress, Cultivating God’s Grace and Surrendering to God were very enlightening.
Swami ji said that spiritual progress could be judged through self introspection. Practicing the presence of God through Jap Yoga will help us greatly in our meditation.
He (Swami ji) explained in detail how God’s grace is essential in our all round development. Surrendering to God and cooperation with his laws will help us in our spiritual progress.
Ms. Marie from USA provided very useful tips for ensuring personal care especially in old age. She emphasized that life could be more beautiful by leading it in a socially useful way.
Sessions on Thermotherapy with cosmic chants by Mr. Anirudh Trehan & Mr. Paramjyoti Arora from Pathankot were really soothing and effective as experienced by the devotees receiving the treatment.
Pt. Ashwani Sharma gave interesting talk on the effects of stars on human life and what could be done to neutralize their adverse effects.
Sadhu Bhandara including a bhajan session was the highlight of the programme which was enjoyed by all the devotees. A video show on experiencing the soul before birth, during life and after death was very interesting and informative.

In the end, I would like to extend my grateful thanks to Swami Sri Krishnananda ji for taking so much pain for conducting this and other Retreat Programmes so efficiently and that too singlehandedly…..Dr. CD Sharma, Shimla