Themes of the Retreat Programmes at Shimla 2024

1. Balancing Work and Life Retreat:

This retreat is focused on, as to how we can balance our routine activities with overall life style, based on the Guruji’s teachings, since he always emphasized on leading a balanced life for self realization.

2. Devotion Retreat:

It aims at understanding the significance of “Path of Devotion” in our spiritual progress through surrendering of all our limitations and by acquiring new vitality during the inspired moments of deep contemplation.

3. Keys to Deeper Meditation:

All the group meditations during this retreat will be guided by the meditation leader, following the step by step procedure given by Guruji. The various meditation techniques will also be reviewed through group reading from new YSS lessons. The devotees will maintain a complete silence during three days of the retreat.

4. Ishwar Arjun Samvad Retreat:

This retreat will focus on the teachings of Bhagwad Gita as translated and commented upon by Guru ji in God Talks With Arjuna. Selected chapters of GTWA will be read out by the participants in the group, which may be helpful to them in their spiritual progress.

5. Autobiography Retreat:

The aim of this retreat is to read with a deep understanding, the Autobiography of a Yogi, which is a “Dharma Grantha” for the devotees of Guruji. All the participants will bring their copies of the Autobiography and read some selected chapters as they also listen to the audio version of the book.

6. Gurupurnima Retreat:

This retreat will focus on the significance of the tradition of celebration of Guru Purnima, on the need of a Guru, the importance of Guru-disciple relationship and how to cultivate this relationship.

7. Janamashtami Retreat:

During this retreat, participants will celebrate Janamashtami, the birth of Lord Krishna, which signifies Ananda (bliss, pure happiness). It will also include review of the teachings of Lord Krishna on the Yoga. The overall atmosphere of celebration will be very conducive to induce that optimism, so essential to our sadhna.

Note: There will be regular, morning and evening group Energization Exercises and Meditations in all the retreat programmes. Online or off line satsanga by YSS Sannyasis, video shows and bhajan sessions will also be arranged during the retreat.