This three days programme was conducted by Swami Sri Krishnanada ji and it was attended by 24 devotees from Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh, HP, Karnatka, UP and Delhi.
On the first day, after the usual morning meditation, the programme started with an opening satsanga by Swami ji and study of Holy Science booklet. Swami ji explained various sutras. It was followed by individual meditation by devotees.
During the post lunch session, there was a reading discussion of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Swami ji explained various sutras which provided clarity of the meanings of sutras in Holy Science. After the dinner, devotees were shown the DVD on Various Yugas.
On the second day, after the usual morning energization exercises and meditation, there was a reading discussion on the sutras of Holy Science and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In the evening, energization exercises were followed by meditation. After the evening meditation and dinner, devotees enjoyed video shows.
As usual, on the last day, after the morning energization exercises and meditation, sutras of Holy Science and Patanjali were read, followed by simple explanation by Swami ji.
In the evening, meditation was followed by Satsanga by Swami ji on the life of Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri.
Being 10th May, 2015, the occasion was also celebrated as 10th Anniversary of Anand Shikhar along with Avirbhav Anniversary of our Param Guru Sri Sri Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri. Senior Shimla devotees presented short speeches regarding the progress of activities at Anand Shikhar.
In the end, devotees offered pushpanjali to Param Guru Ji and Swami ji offered Prasad to devotees.
After dinner, devotees enjoyed the Bhajan session by Mr. DD Sharma and his team.
All the devotees appreciated the retreat and expressed that Yoga Sutras of Patanjali clarified many things especially the common obstacles in sadhana and how to overcome them.
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Some feedbacks received are as follows:
I am very fortunate in having attended Holy Science Retreat. After the retreat my curiosity to read more of Patanjali Yoga Sutra has increased. – Neera Choudhri, Gurgaon, Haryana.
This retreat programme has really rejuvenated me spiritually. Every word of your Satsanga, Swami ji, has been so valuable for me. – Vibha Chawla, New Delhi
I have received a great joy and upliftment here during this retreat. The presence of Sw. Krishnanada ji gives this place a semblance of Ashram of Ancient Rishies. – Janaki, Bangalore.
The biggest gains for me Swami ji were, your comments and explanations, the sharing with us your precious experiences and encounters with so many personages related to our Gurus. – Ingrid Pitzer, New Delhi
I have enjoyed every moment of my stay here. I am grateful to Guruji and Swami ji for this wonderful treat both visual and spiritual in the form of retreat. – B Venkateswara Rao, Vishakhapatnam
Being a new devotee, I learnt how scientific our path of God realization as told by Sw. Sri Yukteswar ji in his book Holy Science and also by Patanjali. – Nikhil Jand, Noida, UP
The Retreat has ignited my interest in Holy Science which has pearls of wisdom. – Naresh Jand, Noida, UP.
The Holy Science is not an easy book to understand. The sessions, the depth of research, the recitals, and readings all have helped in my increased understanding. – Nazneen Mistri, Bangalore, Karnatka
On the second day of this retreat, I got a very good spiritual experience. I experienced that divine touch of my great Gurus especially Sri Yukteswar ji. – B. Uma Bandaru, Vishakhapatnam, AP.
Thank you Swami ji for evoking in us the awareness that the seed of this cosmic creation is Divine Love-‘Prembeeja’, the source of all creativity, and that can easily be experienced and applied to all activities of our existence. This Prembeeja, is the subtle essence of God’s Love, that nurtures and keeps us connected to everything in this cosmos. When this indelible truth dawns, this complex world and all its entangled relationships become so simple and natural, in the wisdom of sages..Sahaj. effortless and loving!. – Aruna & Mohini Sood