The Retreat was conducted by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji. The programme was attended by 32 participants from UP, HP, Punjab, Haryana and Delhi.

The programme included Meditation sessions, Gita chanting, Satsanga by Swami ji, Bhajans, and video shows on Gurudeva. Swami ji focused on the importance of Guru disciple relationship by quoting from the teachings of Guru ji.


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Some of the feedbacks received from devotees are as follows:

It’s been 7 years since I have been visiting Anand Shikhar Retreat and only those 2 or 4 days in which I have come and stayed there have been a panacea for my life as once I entered the Ashram my heart knew that I have stepped my Gurus heavenly abode where no worries or pain will trouble me… So, for me Anand Shikhar has been a cradle of my Guru’s love; it is a mini heaven and the retreats here are like energy drinks of cosmic power… Shikha Thakur, Solan, HP

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It is extremely difficult to express in words, the love and blessings felt during the three days Retreat on Guru-disciple relationship. The meditation sessions, Gita chanting, Bhajans, and lectures conducted by Swami Krishnanada ji were filled with wisdom and inspiration…..The love and devotion of all the volunteers, sewaks and devotees for Guru ji was a source of motivation and inspiration……Swati Sharma, Jallandhar, Punjab

It is always great pleasure to be at Anand shikhar, a mini heaven and in Guru ji’s sacred presence which is always felt there. Guru-disciple relationship is one of the most pure and unique relationship above all other relationships. I feel so obliged to Guru ji that he made me to be there and serve him with love and remain absorbed in his loving presence on the sacred day of Guru Purnima. And apart of all above, it’s your motherly love Swami ji that drew us again & again to be at Anand Shikhar. The pure atmosphere and vibrations felt during bhajan sandhya was so amazing, that I would request Guru ji to make me visit here again & again, and to serve him with fullest loyalty and love… Tanu Sharma, Jallandhar, Punjab

As usual, it was a well conceived and meticulously conducted retreat. Revered Swami ji had put in a great effort in compiling Guruji’s writings and of other saints also on this sacred relationship. Devotional chanting, video show on Gurdeva, all intensified spiritual fervor and helped in opening  hearts for flow of love…. Ms Vandana Datta, Shimla

This morning Swami ji, I read the notes taken during the retreat on Guru Disciple relationship- notes full of inspiring thoughts, quotations from Master’s writing, His disciples’ remarks, your experiences at the feet of Ma, various examples from the life of great saints of all religions…. I have much appreciation for the balanced program of classes, interactive sessions with sharing of personal experiences by devotees, watching inspiring movies and singing during bhajans… .. Dear Swamiji, I have come several times to Ananda Shikhar when you were there, adding your holy vibrations to that very special spot, and I’ll take every occasion and  continue to come in the future also….  Moreno, Varanasi, UP.