This three days programme was conducted by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji. The Retreat was attended by 12 devotees from HP & Delhi.
The Retreat focused on training of devotees to play Cosmic Chants on harmonium, conduct energization exercises and group meditation. Swami ji also checked the way devotees did their energization exercises. Satsangas were conducted both in the forenoon and in the afternoon.
As usual, individual and group meditations were done by the devotees both in the morning and evening. Video shows/ Bhajan sessions were also arranged daily after the dinner.
It was wonderful and inspiring to see the devotees’ wholehearted participation and appreciation.
As a result of this Retreat, Shimla Kendra now has three additional meditation/ satsanga leaders.
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Seeing so many devotees participating in Cosmic Chants and coming forward to lead the meditation programme is a joyful experience. And getting Energization Exercises checked up by Swami ji is a blessed opportunity……Satish Dargan, Delhi
This was one of the best divine Retreat that I have attended in last several years. Overall, the programme was very helpful to me. The structure and the contents of the programme were really very well thought out. The vibrations of this place are very strong…..Chandan Dargan ,Delhi
The retreat was very good, energetic and joyful. Swami ji helped a lot in conducting chanting, exercises and meditation by the devotees. I learned many things regarding meditation and felt blessed……..Kiran Dargan, Delhi
I learnt how to play harmonium and sing cosmic chants. I enjoyed meditation, good feelings, peace and natural beauty. I also improved my energization exercises….Sushil Goyal, Delhi.
I realized that I have been doing some mistakes in energization exercises and got them corrected. I developed more confidence in singing cosmic chants….Dr.Rajiv Saizal, Solan, HP