This three days programme was conducted by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji. The Retreat was attended by 36 devotees from HP, Chandigarh, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi and UP.
The programme on all the three days featured Interactive Satsanga focusing on devotion/bhakti -yoga by Swami ji. There were references mainly from “God Talks with Arjuna” and Guru ji’s lessons. Bhajans and video show heightened the very spirit of devotion in the programme.
Group and individual meditation and energization exercises were done routinely on all the days.
These 3 days were spent in Anand Shikhar by Swamiji repeating, reminding and reinforcing the importance of devotion in our spiritual journey. This was brought about by many different and wonderful ways. Every day’s morning meditation started with the recital of one chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. The interactive session saw many devotees sharing their personal experiences of perceiving Guruji’s grace in their lives thus reinforcing their faith and trust in Guruji.
On the day of Janmashtami, many devotees fasted but the kitchen staff took special care to provide delicious food and fruits to the fasting devotees. From 8 to 9 pm there was the Bhagavad Gita recital just a few hours before the Lord’s birth followed by beautiful and soulful rendition of bhajans by Diwakarji and a young new devotee both of whom were assisted by a sitarist and a tabla player with Swamiji playing one of the musical instruments continuously from 9 pm-12 midnight.
Feedbacks received on the Retreat are as follows:
Janmashtami Retreat is one of the best of all Retreats I have attended. I could understand what devotion/bhakti means to Sadhana and how it can be cultivated consciously. The wealth of knowledge Swami ji has acquired and provided is incomparable……C. Krishnamurthy, Palampur, HP
It was a wonderful experience. Swami ji really made us understand how to build relationship with God. I learnt that one must read Gita once a day and I will practice it to progress spiritually…..Lavesh, Ludhiana, Punjab
It was an overwhelming experience. Thank you God and Guru for such a beautiful retreat. Departing home with a heavy heart and filled with bliss !…… Sushma and Sukhwant Yadav, Faridabad, Haryana
It was for the first time, I attended this programmme which was so enjoyable. Listening to the beautiful experiences of other devotees, I was really wonderstruck….Munish Bhardwaj, Palampur, HP
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We learnt the significance of Bhakti in Sadhana, which can be cultivated. Celebration of Krishna Janmashtami was wonderful. Every time Swami ji’s Satsanga provides something new……Dr. Rajiv and Dr. Renu Saizal, Solan, HP
Anand Shikhar provides us with perfect surroundings and ambience for living the teachings of our beloved Guru….Dr. Palland Joshi, Chandigarh
The programme was very educative and there was a great enthusiasm among devotees on the Janmashtami day. Bhajans and video shows made us feel divine vibrations….G.S. Rathore, Shimla, HP
The programme was very pleasing and encouraged me to cultivate more devotion. Every little thing of the programme has a long lasting impact……Nitika Sharma, Shimla, HP
It was a unique programme which emphasized on the importance of devotion in Meditation…..P.P. Sharma, Shimla, HP
The whole purpose of the meditation schedule as planned by Swamiji for the three days was to get into Krishna consciousness and develop devotion in order to sweeten our meditations and hasten our spiritual evolution. I have personally seen a positive change in my meditations ever since I have got back from the retreat. Thank you Swamiji for all your love and the pains you take to make every moment of our stay fruitful and fulfilling….Dr Pallavi, Chandigarh