It was a three days programme, conducted by Swami Sri Krishnanada ji. It was attended by 20 devotees from Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, HP, Karnataka, UP and Delhi.
On the first day, after the usual morning meditation, the programme started with an opening satsanga by Swami ji and study of Holy Science booklet. Swami ji explained various sutras. It was followed by individual meditation by devotees.
During the post lunch session, there was a reading discussion of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Swami ji explained various sutras which provided clarity of the meanings of sutras in Holy Science. After the dinner, devotees were shown the DVD on Various Yugas.
On the second day, after the usual morning energization exercises and meditation, there was a reading discussion on the sutras of Holy Science and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In the evening, energization exercises were followed by meditation. After the evening meditation and dinner, devotees enjoyed video shows.
As usual, on the last day, after the morning energization exercises and meditation, sutras of Holy Science and Patanjali were read out, followed by simple explanation by Swami ji.
Being 10th May, 2016, as the occasion of Avirbhav Anniversary of our Param Guru Sri Sri Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri, it was also celebrated with satsanga, meditation and offering of pushpanjali to Param Guru Ji. In the end, Swami ji offered Prasad to devotees.
After dinner, devotees enjoyed the Bhajan session by Mr. DD Sharma and his team.
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Some of the feedbacks received are as follows:
Anand Shikhar is full of divine vibrations. Swami ji’s review of Holy Science was immensely informative. We are spiritually uplifted by the explanations/talks given by Swami ji. We feel fortunate to have listened to Patanjali Yog sutras and their explanations which will help us in deepening our meditation…..B.S. Bhalla and Veena Bhalla, New Delhi
I found everything so organized here. I enjoyed the programme, the beauty of place and the peace. I will come again to attend such Retreats…..Sonika Sharma, Bilaspur, HP
I found the place very beautiful and enjoyed the programme fully. Guru ji’s grace is in abundance here…..Timple Aggarwal, Shimla, HP
Attending classes by Swami Krishnananda ji was a spiritually enlightening and stimulating experience for us…….Narinder Kumar Bhasin and Shashi Bhasin, New Delhi