This Retreat Programme was conducted by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji from 23rd to 26th May, 2013 at Anand Shikhar. It was attended by 30 devotees from Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Mujaffernagar, Jaipur, Italy,Toronto, Shimla and other parts of HP. The devotees were divided into three groups of ten in each, for group study of the Gita and attempting answers to questionnaires.
Report on Gita Gyana Retreat held from 23-26 May, 2013
On 23rd May, the programme started with Gita recitation and opening satsanga. Chapters 1 and 2 were covered for recitation and group work on study of these chapters from “God Talks with Arjuna” and finding answers to a pre designed questionnaire. While doing the group study, devotees had the opportunity to share their experiences and knowledge on the concerned topic. After a group recitation in Sanskrit, Swami ji read out the Hindi translation of recited verses. Answers to various questions were discussed in the whole group with comments by Swami ji. After dinner, devotees enjoyed a video show on Mahabharata focusing on the dialogues between Lord Krishna and Arjuna.
On the second day, Gita recitation of chapters 3, 4 & 5 was followed by satsanga. The groups did their work on various questions related to these chapters and noted down their answers. Swami ji conducted discussion on question-answer presentation by different groups. After dinner, devotees again enjoyed a video show on Mahabharata focusing on the dialogues between Lord Krishna and Arjuna.
On the third day, as usual, Gita recitation was done on chapters 6, 7 and 9 followed by satsanga. After group work, Swami ji conducted discussion on question-answer presentation by different groups. After dinner, devotees again enjoyed a video show on Mahabharata focusing on the dialogues between Lord Krishna and Arjuna.
On the last day, chapters 12, 14, 15, and 17 were covered for recitation and group work on question-answer. Swami ji conducted satsanga and group discussion on the presentation by different groups. In the evening, we had a bhajan-kirtan session led by Shri Diwakar Dutta Sharma, which gave a very inspiring devotional touch to the whole programme.
Besides, energization exercises and meditation (group and individual) were done every day, both in the morning and evening.
The programme was a great spiritual experience for all the devotees who had all the praise and were highly indebted to Swami Sri Krishnananda ji.
Here is the photo-essay of the event
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