by Anand Shikhar | Oct 5, 2019 | Event, Reports, Reports 2019
It was a three days programme conducted by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji. The Retreat was attended by 35 devotees from HP, Chandigarh, Haryana, Punjab, UP, Rajasthan and J&K. The programme on all the three days featured Satsanga focusing on devotion/bhakti -yoga by...
by Anand Shikhar | Oct 5, 2019 | Event, Reports, Reports 2019
It was a three days programme conducted by Swami Sri Krishnanada ji. The Retreat was attended by 39 devotees from HP, Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Maharashtra, Jharkhand and J&K. The salient features of the Retreat were guided group meditations both in...
by Anand Shikhar | Oct 5, 2019 | Event, Reports, Reports 2019
This three days Retreat was conducted by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji. The programme was attended by 19 participants from HP, Punjab and Maharashtra. The programme included Meditation sessions, Gita chanting, Satsanga by Swami ji, Bhajans, and video shows on...
by Anand Shikhar | Sep 21, 2019 | Event, Reports, Reports 2019
A Spiritual Retreat on the theme of ‘“Kriya Yoga: Tapa- Swadhyayana – Ishwarapranidhana” was held at Shoolini University Solan w.e.f. 14-16 June, 2019 under the aegis of Swami Sri Krishnananda ji. In this Retreat 30 devotees from different parts of the country...
by Anand Shikhar | Sep 21, 2019 | Event, Reports, Reports 2019
It was a five days programme, conducted by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji. 29 devotees from Delhi, Punjab, UP, Haryana, MP, AP, Gujrat and Tamil Nadu attended the programme. Three SRF devotees were from Malaysia. The main objective of this retreat was to develop a deep...
by Anand Shikhar | Sep 21, 2019 | Event, Reports, Reports 2019
It was a three days programme, conducted by Swami Sri Krishnananda ji. 28 devotees from HP, Chandigarh, Haryana, Karnataka, J&K and Punjab attended the programme. One SRF devotee was from Moscow, Russia. The Retreat was intended to deepen the spiritual practice of...