An Exhibition on “YSS books and Devotional Articles” was organized in the TAVERN HALL of the Gaiety Theatre Shimla from 10-15 July, 2016. It included serial display of Biography of Sri Sri Paramahansa Yogananda, Guru ji’s successors, introduction to YSS of India, spiritual lineage, Meditation and its benefits, posters on CD/DVDs and YSS books, activities of YSDK Shimla, stalls for books and devotional articles. Publicity was done through local news papers, SMS to members and individual contacts.
The Exhibition was inaugurated on 10th July, 2016 at 10.30AM by Swami Sri Krishnanandaji and the senior/volunteer devotees by Jyoti Prajwalan and prayer before Guru ji’s Altar. After the inauguration, the exhibition was opened to public. Daily timings for public were from 11.00AM- 07.00PM on all the six days.
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On the last day i.e. 15th July, 2016 exhibition was closed at 07.00 PM by offering YSS prayers in front of Guru ji by the volunteer devotees.