A Prize Distribution Function was organized at Govt. Sr. Sec. School Kaina on 7th September, 2016. The function started at 11.30 AM in the School Ground, and it was compered by a teacher, Mr.Amar Chand, English Lecturer. He welcomed Sw. Sri Krishnananda ji, devotees, staff members and students.

A small cultural programme was presented by the students which included group/ individual recitation of Dohas, Shalokas, Poem, Bhajans, dance and Nati group dance.

The Principal, Mr. Surender Kumar Sharma, while welcoming also expressed his thanks and gratitude to Swami ji and other devotees from Anand Shikhar for gracing the occasion and inspiring the students and teachers. He also stressed that students must follow the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda ji and Swami ji.

Mr. ML Chauhan, a senior YSS devotee, being himself a teacher by profession, stressed on the importance of the role of a teacher in shaping the life of students. He exhorted teachers to take up teaching in a missionary spirit. He also explained the role of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India in carrying on the spiritual and humanitarian work of its founder Paramahansa Yogananda ji.

The cultural programme was followed by prize distribution by Swami ji. 41 students were given certificates of merit/ performance, cash money and YSS books. Six students of last year HP Board 10th and 10+ 2 Exams, securing first, second and third positions were also awarded certificates of merit and Autobiography of a Yogi. Other prize winners were those who got first, second and third positions in various competitive events like Quiz and Painting and Dohas, Shalokas & Poetry recitation. Two students got consolation prizes. A cash prize of Rs. 1000/= was also given to students who played school band.
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Over 40 YSS books on how- to- live series including six Autobiography of a Yogi were distributed among the students.
One of devotees, Dr. Ranjit Arora from Lodon, while addressing the audience, appreciated the programme presented by the students. She stressed that it was very important to study seriously to rise in life.

Swami ji, while addressing the students, emphasized that the goal of life was to know and love the God. He advised the students to follow spiritualism along with study. The Principal of School presented Swami ji with a momento.
In the end, Mr. D.D. Sharma Coordinator from Anand Shikhar, expressed his vote of thanks to the Principal, teachers, students and other staff members for arranging the function nicely and successfully.

After the function was over, students, teachers and other staff members were served snacks.