Report of Retreat on Kriya Yoga Diksha from 12-14 April, 2013
Swami Sri Shradhananda ji and Brahamchari Sri Dhairyananda ji arrived at Anand Shikhar in the evening on 8thth April, 2013 where the local devotees received and greeted them with bouquets. This was followed by an informal meeting with them over tea and snacks. On the forenoon of 11th April, Swami ji and Brahmchari ji shifted to the venue of the programme i.e. YSDK Shimla where the local devotees received them and the members of the Managing Committee presented them with bouquets.
The Sannyasis along with members had a round of different sections of the Kendra. Mr. R.R.Varma, one of the senior devotees, introduced the members of the Managing Committee and other devotees to Swami ji and Brahamchari ji. During the meeting, Dr. C.D.Sharma, Chairman of the Managing Committee briefed Swami ji regarding the preparations made for the Retreat on Kriya Yoga Diksha which was held from12-14 April, 2013. Juice and snacks were served to everybody. After this Swami ji and Brahmchari ji explained the key issues as to how the entire programme was to be conducted and other items need to be procured.
All the classes were held in the meditation hall of the Kendra.In all, there were 101 devotees who attended the programme. Most of them were from Himachal Pradesh. Others were from Maharshtra, J&K &Chandigarh. Outstation devotees were provided accommodation near the Ridge Maidan in YMCA Hotel. Sannyasis were accommodated in two rooms of the Kendra and special food arrangement was done for them.
Devotees wanting to avail themselves of accommodation were charged registration fee of Rs.1500/= per head and while others paid @ Rs.1000/=. Students were charged @ Rs.500/= only. Some devotees who attended only a few sessions or attended on the last day were exempted from any payment. All the devotees were served meals in the nearby campus and nothing extra was charged. For managing the programme, eleven committees of volunteers and organizers were constituted with a separate coordinator (annexure).
First Day
On the first day i.e. Friday, opening of Satsanga started with cosmic chants by Brahmchari Sri Dhairyananda ji. This was followed by spiritual discourse by Swami ji on “Healing of body, mind and soul”. He explained that body is energized by energization exercises, pranayam and scientific healing affirmations; mind can be energized by concentration and cheerfulness in which Hong-Sau technique plays an important part.
He emphasized that we can choose to be happy. He further said that we can heal the disease of soul ignorance by divine medicine of meditation. Post lunch session was on “Review of Energization Exercises” by Br. Sri Dhairyananda ji.He said that the purpose of these exercises is to energize the body so that one feels relaxed during meditation. It should be done with great concentration, will and energy.
Greater the will, greater will be the flow of energy in the body. He also provided practical demonstration of various exercises. After the evening tea, energization exercises and meditation were lead by Mr. M.L.Chauhan and Sri Brahmchari ji. Subsequently, there was a spiritual discourse on “How to do Meditation” by Swami ji. He provided beautiful tips on the subject and made the session very interesting.
Second Day
On the second day i.e. Saturday, first session was on” Review of Hong Sau technique” by Sri Dhairyananda ji. He described the very purpose and method of carrying out the technique. He said that this technique could be practiced at anytime and anywhere. Subsequently, Swami ji, conducted a question –answer session with devotees.
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After lunch, Sri Brahmchari ji had a session on “Review of Aum Technique”. He explained very lucidly the concept of Aum and how the technique is to be practiced. After the evening tea, energization exercises and meditation were lead by Mr. M.L.Chauhan and Sri Brahmchari ji.
It was a long meditation which also included reading and cosmic chants. After dinner, Sri Brahmchari ji, had a meeting with all the volunteers to assess the various arrangements made for Kriya Diksha. He discussed the procedure of Kriya Diksha in detail and duties were assigned to different volunteers.
Following this, volunteers got busy in making necessary preparations for Kriya Diksha. Individual counseling was also done by Swami ji with devotees on the first day from 12.00 Noon to 02.00 PM and on the second day from 12.30 to 02.30 PM.
Third Day
On the third day i.e. Sunday, Kriya Yoga Diksha was conducted from 08.00 AM-12.15 PM. Swami ji gave Kriya Yoga Diksha to devotees. In all, eighteen devotees, ten males and eight females were initiated in Kriya. Forty eight Kriyabans also attended the programme. During lunch, Swami ji and Brahmchari ji served the devotees with Prasad and meals.
After the lunch break, a session on “Review of Kriya Yoga” was taken by Swami ji. All the aspects of Kriya Yoga were presented by Swami ji in a very simple and understandable way. Jyoti Mudra and Maha Mudra were also demonstrated. Swami ji advised the devotees to bring Bhakti element in Kriya and Meditation. Kriya check up of devotees was done from 3-4 PM by both, Swami ji and Brahmchari ji. Devotees also had the priviledge of having group photos with Swamji and Brahmchari ji. Energization exercises and group meditation were done from 5-6 PM.
While closing the satsanga, Swami ji reinforced the importance of regular meditation with total devotion. He expressed his happiness on the successful completion of the programme and congratulated all the devotees and organizers. Afterwards, during pushpanjali, Swami ji distributed Prasad to all the devotees. Some of the devotees made donations to the Kendra amounting to Rs.13002/= which was deposited in the local account of YSDK Shimla.
The amount of Pronami collected during Puspanjali was Rs. 15058/= which was deposited in Axis Bank , Acctt. No 106010100146166 of YSS of India Ranchi on 16.04.2013. An amount of Rs.1065/= collected as Diksha Pronami from Initiates was also deposited in Axis Bank account of YSSI Ranchi on 16.04.2013. Swami ji and Brahmchari ji left Shimla on15th April, 2013 FN. They were seen off by the members of the Managing Committee.
The three days programme went on smoothly without any problem. There was excellent coordination among all the organizers and volunteers. Devotees had all the praise for management of the programme and for the beautiful way the Retreat was conducted by Swami ji and Brahmchari ji. We are highly grateful to them for putting in so much effort to make the programme so lively and wonderful. We also express our gratitude to the Center Department for providing all the necessary inputs for making the programme so memorable and a great success. Dr.C.D.Sharma Chairman, Managing Committee YSDK, Shimla