Holy Science Retreat Programme was organized from 9th to 11th May, 2014 at Anand Shikhar.

Report on Holy Science Retreat Programme from 9-11 May, 2014

This three days programme was conducted by Swami Sri Krishnanada ji and it was attended by 34 devotees from Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh, HP, Karnatka and Ranchi (Jharkhand) and Italy.
On the first day, after the usual morning meditation, the programme started with an opening satsanga by Swami ji and study of Holy Science booklet. Swami ji explained various sutras. It was followed by individual meditation by devotees.

During the post lunch session, there was a reading discussion of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Swami ji tried to explain various sutras which provided better understanding of the meanings of sutras in Holy Science. After the dinner, devotees were shown the DVD on Various Yugas.

On the second day, after the usual morning energization exercises and meditation, there was a reading discussion on the sutras of Holy Science and Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. In the evening, there was meditation, satasanga and Arti. Devotees offered pushpanjali to our Param Guru Sri Sri Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri on the occasion of his Avirbhav Anniversary. In the end, Swami ji offered Prasad to devotees. After the evening meditation, devotees participated in the Bhajans.

As usual, on the last day, after the morning energization exercises and meditation, sutras of Holy Science and Patanjali were read, followed by simple explanation by Swami ji. In the evening after meditation, Swami ji, conducted a closing satsanga. After dinner, devotees enjoyed the video show.

All the devotees appreciated the sessions on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali very much as these made things very clear, especially the common obstacles in sadhana and how to overcome them.

Images of  Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014

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Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014

Holy Science Retreat May 2014


Some feedbacks from Attendees

I am grateful to Swami Sri Krishnananda ji for the wisdom, spiritual care and love received in Retreat. I found peace, silence, and solitude which helped me to meditate deeper. I cannot forget Swami ji and his silent help, his sweet voice and spiritual love… Anna Rita Cinzia Polato Spano, Italy

During the Retreat, I experienced great peace, divine love and tangible presence of Guru ji. His omnipresence is being felt everywhere in  the Ashram… Spano Marco , Italy

I am so grateful to God and Guru ji for making it possible to attend this Retreat.  My heartfelt thanks to Swami Krishnananda ji for sharing and teaching eternal truth… Reeta Kaul, Faridabad

I am highly obliged to Swami ji for taking so much pain and doing hard work to conduct this Retreat. He made it so interesting and understandable. I hope he conducts more such retreats for devotees like us and help uplift our souls. .Dr. Pallavi Paul, Mumbai

The programme was so wonderful and provided uplifting experience. It seems that the Managing Committee and volunteers had put in immense effort in making this retreat memorable. A Devotee

I am very thankful to God and Guru ji for giving me this opportunity to come here for this retreat. It has been a blessing and a memorable experience. I have learnt a lot in this retreat. Dr. Savita Yadav, Faridabad

The programme was very well organized. Morning chanting of Bhagwad Gita was so enjoying. Though Holy Science is so difficult yet Swami ji made it easier to learn and understand. Video show on Yugas further improved our understanding of Holy Science. Shabnam, Hissar

My understanding of Holy Science has greatly improved along with Patajli Sutras. Sw. Krishnananda ji’s satsangas uplifted me and guided me in seeking God in a better way. Dhiraj Sharma, HP

Although we know that Patanjli Yoga Sutras is the foundation of Yoga yet I would have never attempted to read the epic in my life time. But Swami ji gave us not only a simplified Hindi version(Yog Darshan) but also explained the important points of Yoga Sutras with the help of chants and print outs and its relevance with Holy science. Guru ji’s interpretation on Patanjli Yoga Sutras which Swami ji found from Internet is also a rare treasure. AK Bhattacharya, Ahemdabad

The Retreat was really so motivating, educational and enjoyable. The explanation of spiritual stages of creation and Sankhya Cosmology with illustration has been made so simple and understandable. Thank you for your great effort Swami ji. Nandini  Bhattacharya, Ahemdabad

The Retreat was wonderfully conducted. Many of the philosophical aspects in the book Holy Science which were quite intriguing to us have now become much clearer. Many pamphlets/ booklets issued free of cost were very nice. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali were so beautifully explained. All the Devotees felt it was an experience of life time, which they would never forget.  N.N. Chatnani, Faridabad