This is a feedback post for Senior Citizen’s Retreat at Anand Shikhar from 15th to 17th of July sent by Brigadier Jagdish Singh Varma.

Pujya Swami Shri Krishnananda ji,
Jai Guru!

……..  It was a very well planned retreat of course. I have following points to report on the conduct: –

  •  Arrangements for stay were excellent. The staff was very cooperative and sympathetic.
  •  I got plenty of life-force through oxygen-rich environment, right kind of food, energization exercises, yoga   and meditation.
  • Made a lot of friends.
  • Your Gita-supported discourses were very inspiring. I got the Gita recitation CD.
  • I had the opportunity to watch the DVD on Comments on Bhagvad Gita by Swami Anadamoy Giri. So beautifully has he explained the meanings of various terms such as transcendent, immanent, discrimination, etc. I wanted that DVD, but unfortunately I could not find it in Kendra’s book store. I’ll try it from YSS Book Store Ranchi.
  • I’ve personally been benefited in overcoming almost chronic sinus problem by yogic jal-kriya taught by Dr. Rajeev/Deepali Sharmas couple and magnetic therapy.   Now I have started moving without wearing a cap. Sukshama exercises taught by them are also helping me in toning up the body.
  • It is a great idea to adopt a school and develop it and at the same time making the students and teachers aware of Guru’s Teachings.
  • Paying respect to Sadhus and organising Sadhu Bhandara is, I feel, a great source of blessings from god’s men.
  • I recommend that Senior Citizen’s Retreat should be continued in future.

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May God and Guru bless you with ever increasing strength to help disciples like us in self-realization.


Jai Guru,
Brigadier Jagdish Singh Varma